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InfinityPV foil – infinitely printed organic solar cell


InfinityPV ApS is a Danish start-up company founded in 2014 by Frederik C. Krebs (CEO) along with 31 co-owners. infinityPV has no external funding partners and is owned equally by every co-owner. This makes infinityPV a company unlike most.

The core of infinityPV is printed electronics and in particular printed organic solar cells. infinityPV is based on several patents within the field of organic solar cells and holds a wide range of competencies in this area. They address a broad range of products ranging from solar panels over materials to characterization hardware. Their general aim is to foster the development of printed organic electronics by introducing honest and innovative products to the market.


One of their products, the InfinityPV foil is infinitely printed organic solar cell (OPV) by the meter. They can produce the modules at any length tailored to any need. The solar foil is produced on thin plastic foil with a high degree of flexibility that allows unique applications and integration possibilities. The infinityPV foil can be cut to fit your application or used in a serial connection as delivered.

They have an efficiency between 2-4 % and can produce from 1-4 Watts per meter.


For more information about their products, check the following link: