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Implementing the EPBD – European Energy Performance Country Reports

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The European portal for energy efficiency in buildings (BUILD UP) has launched the 4th book of the series “Implementing the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) – Featuring Country Reports”. It highlights the important advances achieved across the EU in implementing the EPBD in the period 2012-2015. It is however a self-standing book, as it contains all the pertinent updated information for each country.


Part A of the book describes the main accomplishments and the remaining challenges on a selection of major topics covered by the EPBD across Europe. 


Part B of the book contains reports from the 28 EU Members States plus Norway. In two cases (Belgium and the UK), separate reports are available for different jurisdictions that have their own autonomy to implement the EPBD. The individual national and regional reports contain a snapshot of the status of implementation at the end of 2014 or, in other cases, sometime during 2015.


Detailed information can be found on the BUILD UP website.