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New Chinese PV Modules in EffiBUILDING. China confirms to be a key global player in the PV industry.

287 CHN 60M(BK M156)According to the market expert, the top three largest markets in 2015 were China, Japan and USA. The trend seems to be the same also in 2016.

We have currently 27 Chinese products in the PV modules session and numbers will increase significantly in the coming weeks. This week the most interesting new entry is the Monocrystalline CHN 60M (BK M156).

The CHN60M is produced by Chinaland Solar Energy Co., Ltd, an high-tech company from the Chinaland Solar Energy Photovoltaic Research Institute engaged in design, research, production, sales and service of crystalline silicon wafers, solar cells, solar panels, and photovoltaic systems.

You can find more detailed information about the product in our PV modules session or in the company website.